'Gilmore Girls' Netflix release time: When and how to watch 'A Year in the Life'

This week we are celebrating Thanksgiving and, more importantly, the premiere of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life. The Netflix revival series makes its way to the streaming service on Friday, Nov. 25, the day after Thanksgiving: a perfect binge to complement your turkey leftovers. It's one of Netflix's most highly anticipated projects, and self-professed Gilmore Girls superfans are eagerly waiting for its release.
"You know that feeling you get when you realize someone really understands you and your life?" Gilmore Girls fan John Kuchta told Mic in June. "And you don't have to explain anything, and maybe you should just stop and get married right then? That's how I'd describe the first few episodes."
Now, whether the series is worth binge-watching in its entirety or appreciated at a slower pace, all four 90-minute episodes are going to be on Netflix Friday. But what time, exactly, will it be out?
Since A Year in the Life comes on Friday, it will probably be available at 3 a.m. Eastern. This would keep the series in line with the release times for other Netflix shows, like The Crown and Orange Is the New Black. If it seems like a random time, it's actually by design: West Coast viewers will be able to check out the new series at midnight, technically on the day it's supposed to be released (in A Year in the Life's case, Friday).
If you're wondering how to watch it, well, subscribe to Netflix. The first month is free, which is nice, and using Netflix doesn't have to be limited to your laptop — you can check it out on a TV or the streaming service's mobile app. If you already have Netflix, a gold star for you.
So if you're tired after an entire Thanksgiving meal avoiding strenuous conversations about whether your somewhat racist uncle voted for Donald Trump and why, escape to the peaceful bliss of Stars Hollow. We're going to need it.