'Final Fantasy 15' Sturdy Helixhorn: Location, guide and how to get it

If you're playing Final Fantasy 15 and you're in the process of upgrading Noctis' blade through the "A Better Engine Blade" quest, you might be wondering where to get the Sturdy Helixhorn you need to complete it.
Don't fret. It's pretty simple as long as you know where to go.
How to get the Sturdy Helixhorn in Final Fantasy 15
According to YouTuber shenik, in order to get the Sturdy Helixhorn, you have to complete the level 29 hunt quest called "The Last Spiracorns." To get this quest, fast-travel to the "Cleigne: Old Lestallum" location and talk to the tipster inside the restaurant.
The quest tasks you with fighting both Duplicorns and Spiracorns, but Duplicorns are the ones that will drop the Sturdy Helixhorn, so just focus on them.
When you're fighting the Duplicorn, specifically target its horn — on PS4, hold R1 and then flick the right thumbstick to change what you're targeting — and use Warp Strike repeatedly. Eventually, you should break off its horn and collect the Sturdy Helixhorn. The video notes there's not a 100% drop rate, so you might have to fight several Duplicorns before it drops a Sturdy Helixhorn.
That's all there is to it!
More Final Fantasy 15 news, guides, tips and tricks:
If you're ready to get your bromance on, you'll want to read up on all of Mic's Final Fantasy coverage, including a big list of tips and tricks, the juicy details on gay Noctis/Prompto fan art, a guide to fishing in Final Fantasy 15, a guide to changing your chocobo's color, a review roundup for Final Fantasy 15, rumors about a PC release and Conan O'Brien's reaction to the game on his show.