Who Is Courtney Nelson? 6 things to know about the 'ANTM' cycle 23 contestant
In the premiere of America's Next Top Model, cycle 23 contestant Courtney Nelson, 25, showed she not only has a passion for fashion, but a passion for drama. She spatted with fellow contestant Quei, only to end up in tears. Now that she's made it to the next round — unlike the contestant who took her down for having "Chia pet" eyebrows — you're probably wondering who she is. Here are six things to know about Nelson.
Nelson is from San Francisco.
She's an alumnae of Aragon High School, located in the San Francisco suburb of San Mateo, California. U.S. News and World Report named the school one of the best in the state.
She's been watching ANTM for years.
"I was a very big fan of it when I was younger," she told SF Weekly. "My friends and I used to watch it in high school, and I always wanted to be on it, but I never actually thought it would ever happen."
She had scoliosis as a child.
According to SF Weekly, Nelson had spinal surgery at age 16. "It was for both cosmetic and medical reasons," she said. "The curvature was pressing my ribcage into my lungs and causing breathing problems. To prevent the curve from getting any worse, they did the surgery at Shriners [Hospitals for Children in Sacramento]. It stunted my growth and everything." The surgery left a scar that made Nelson doubt her future as a model.
Nelson has artistic hobbies.
Nelson's official show bio states that she enjoys spray painting and collaging in her spare time. On her Instagram profile, she describes herself as "artsy" and a "poet," among other things. In addition to posting modeling photos, she puts up dreamy pics with inspirational or cryptic captions, including short poems.
Workaholics is her favorite show.
In her ANTM bio, Nelson says Comedy Central's Workaholics is her favorite TV show. Even if that's a show about business mishaps, it's still a show about hustle. So it makes sense that someone who's appearing on a reality TV show with a new focus on branding and entrepreneurship would be into it.
Nelson is a Gemini.
You'll find this declaration on Nelson's Instagram and even in this ANTM promo video. If you believe in astrology, that may explain why Nelson is so sensitive and, well, dramatic. When San Francisco Weekly asked if she was ready for people's cruelty on the Internet, Nelson said, "I think mentally I'm prepared for it, because I'm a strong person, but I'm also a very sensitive person, as you will see on the show. I'm very sensitive."