'Super Mario Run' Crashing: Not working? No sound? Here's how to fix Nintendo's new game.

Is Super Mario Run crashing? If the game is not working or there's no sound, you may be feeling pretty frustrated at Nintendo right now — especially if you already paid $9.99 to download the full game. Thankfully, there are plenty of solutions out there, no matter what kind of issues are keeping you from playing Super Mario Run.
Super Mario Run crashing or not working
There are a few different reasons why Super Mario Run might be crashing. If the app is not working it might be an issue with RAM management, a problem with jailbroken iPhones or something else entirely.
If you're working with a non-jailbroken phone there are a few things to consider. First, try closing out all your other apps to free up RAM. That may be enough to get the game working again.
If not, try closing Super Mario Run and launching it again. The app's launch screen also includes a "Having Trouble" button that lets you "Redownload Data" or access a general help menu that may have the solution. If that doesn't work, try restarting your iOS device. Finally, try deleting the game entirely and reinstalling it.
Super Mario Run jailbreak issues
If you jailbreak your iOS devices, that's probably why Super Mario Run is not working. Nintendo designed the game to crash automatically on jailbroken gadgets to stop people from pirating the app. However, there is a solution.
According to iPhone Hacks, you can fix the problem by downloading "tsProtector 8+" from Cydia, an unofficial app store for jailbroken devices. Then open up the "Black List Apps" option, toggle Super Mario Run on and you should be good to go.
Super Mario Run: No sound? Here's what to do
Super Mario Run may be working, but if there's no sound you're still missing part of the experience. Multiple sites have confirmed that this is an issue across a variety of iOS devices, but it's unclear what's causing it.
Before you freak out, make sure the volume on your device is turned on. Then check the settings menu in Super Mario Run to see if Music and Sounds are on. You can also try some general fixes like closing the app, redownloading the data or deleting it entirely and reinstalling.
If you still can't fix it you should let Nintendo know. It seems like this is a pretty common problem. So the more people complain the more likely it is the company will rush to patch it with an update.
More Super Mario Run tips, tricks and updates
If you want to know more about Super Mario Run, walk calmly toward Mic's latest coverage, like a guide to making sure it doesn't demolish your data usage, how to unlock all the characters, an explanation for why the game isn't free, early predictions about whether Nintendo's iPhone-first approach is helping or hurting its chances of success and a list of Android games to play while you wait.