3 super sensitive things most people would rather reveal than their financial details

Let's play a little game of "would you rather."
What would be worse to see spilled across the internet — your weight or your credit score?
If you said "weight," you might actually be an outlier. Surveys show people feel surprising levels of discomfort and stress about money, and the threat of leaked financial information might feel even scarier than the threat of, say, a hacked cellphone snap of your ... assets.
Obviously it's a bigger deal to have your bank account hacked than people knowing your credit score, but even the former is not the end of the world.
And while protecting details to avoid theft is one thing, a major reason many folks avoid sharing financial information is far less necessary: awkwardness.
There's arguably a good case for opening up more about your money situation, at least with the people you're close to.
Still — if you're shy, you're not alone: Here are three awkward things surveys suggest people would rather discuss before money.
1) Their weight
Nearly 70% of Americans said they would rather disclose their weight to friends than their credit score, according to a LearnVest survey shared with Mic on Wednesday.
LearnVest analyzed a survey of 1,000 people across the United States asked in December about their willingness to discuss personal finances.
The majority of respondents also said they'd have an easier time giving up social media than sticking to a financial New Year's resolution.
2) Naked photos
This one is less surprising in some ways, but more surprising in others.
People would rather have naked pictures of themselves stolen and then leaked on the internet than to have their financial information released, a MasterCard survey in 2015 found.
Along with leaked naked photos, the survey also discovered people said they would rather get robbed at home or have their email account hacked than have their financial information shared.
If you ever find that your financial life is compromised — if, for example, your identity is stolen and someone opens credit cards in your name — there are actionable steps you can take to protect yourself going forward, like setting up a credit freeze.
3) Their position on religion and politics
A Wells Fargo survey in 2014 discovered that money — out of six broad options — is the most difficult topic to talk about for most Americans.
Of 1,004 respondents, close to half said they found their personal finances harder to discuss than ostensibly more contentious subjects of politics or religion.
Perhaps even more surprisingly, more of those surveyed said they'd sooner talk about death than their personal finances.
People are funny.
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