How to download Android Nougat on your phone
Since its release, Android Nougat has been made available on several devices. How to download the seventh version of the Android operating system will depend on your device but here are some general tips.
How to download Android Nougat 7.0
If you own an Android Nougat-compatible device (say, Samsung Galaxy S7, Nexus 6, Sony Xperia X, Google Pixel C or Android One devices) then you should receive a notification alert for when the update is ready. Most manufacturers offer an over-the-air update, which means you can wirelessly update your software.
How to manually check for Android Nougat 7.0 update
If you want to double check or think you've missed the alert, then it is possible to manually check the device. To do so, go to Settings, then "About phone" and look for something along the lines of "System updates" or "Software updates."
Some devices come with Android Nougat 7.0 built-in
Owners of new Google Pixel devices and the LG V20 will have the Android Nougat 7.0 software out of the box.
Which devices are slated to receive the update?
If your device has not received the update, then stay alert for notifications. The specific launch date varies on carrier and country, in addition to smartphone model. Several brands have released lists of handsets that will receive the Android Nougat 7.0 update.
For example, Sony said it will bring Android Nougat to 19 Xperia models, and Motorola announced in October which devices would be receiving the Android 7.0 Nougat update: Moto G (4th Gen), Moto G Plus (4th Gen), Moto G Play (4th Gen), Moto X Pure Edition (3rd Gen), Moto X Style, Moto X Play, Moto X Force, Droid Turbo 2, Droid Maxx 2, Moto Z, Moto Z Droid, Moto Z Force Droid, Moto Z Play, Moto Z Play Droid and Nexus 6.
Samsung has also announced that in addition to the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge, other Galaxy devices that will get the update are the Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 edge and S6 edge Plus, Galaxy Note5, Galaxy Tab A with S Pen, Galaxy Tab S2 (LTE unlock), Galaxy A3 and Galaxy A8.
What is the Android Nougat update?
Android Nougat 7.0 is the newest operating system released by Google. Its features include new emojis, quick switch features allowing a more streamlined way to move between apps and a smarter battery. Additionally, Nougat 7.0 allows a handset to run two apps side-by-side.