Is Guillermo del Toro making 'Hellboy III'? A giddy Twitter response has him interested.

Most focus groups could probably use better choices for responses other than "yes" and "hell yes," but hey, that's not Guillermo del Toro's line of work. What the beloved sci-fi director did do, however, is build up considerable hype for the potential of a third Hellboy movie. Del Toro put a Twitter poll up on his account Wednesday, asking whether people wanted to see Hellboy III happen.
In a follow-up tweet, he promised that if the poll had over 100,000 votes he would discuss it with Hellboy comic book creator Mike Mignola and lead actor Ron Perlman. In the end, the poll had over 130,000 votes, with 68% of respondents going with "hell yes" and at least one person regretting that they accidentally voted "yes" when they meant "hell yes." And so it goes.
Del Toro provided an update Thursday morning, tweeting that he's spoken with Perlman and the actor is "in for the sitdown." Perlman also tweeted his own response to the fan support, though he didn't explicitly say whether he's opting for a third Hellboy.
It's been nearly a decade since the last film in the Hellboy franchise, The Golden Army, which had strong reviews but an unspectacular box office return. However, with the recent (somewhat annoying) influx of superhero movies from the likes of Marvel and DC Comics, there's no better time for another Hellboy film.
In the past, Del Toro, Perlman and Mignola have all expressed interest in returning to the franchise — but Del Toro and Mignola have conceded that it's doubtful it would ever transpire.
An informal Twitter poll is far from a sure thing, but once upon a time, people were amused by Kristen Bell asking the Twitterverse for a Veronica Mars movie. That went surprisingly well.