These pictures show how many more people showed up for the Women's March than inauguration

Women's March on Washington attendees descended upon the nation's capital Saturday, packing into public transportation and causing long waits to get to the National Mall where the march will be held.
The crowded trains and long waits to get to the march made for a stark contrast to Friday's inauguration for President Donald Trump, which saw empty cars on Washington's Metro subway system and almost no waits to get to the National Mall.
In fact, by 10:44 a.m., CNN reported that there were more people on the National Mall for the Women's March than were on the National Mall at the same time on Friday for Trump's inauguration.
Metro riders posted pictures that show the disparity in crowd size.
Matt Pearce, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times who attended both Trump's inauguration and the Women's March, posted photos of the difference. His train to the inauguration was nearly empty, while he had a long wait to get on a train to the Women's March.
Mic's Will Drabold spoke with a police officer who said the crowd sizes in the Metro were akin to President Barack Obama's first inauguration in 2009, when 1.8 million people descended upon Washington, D.C., for the historic event.
A number of users posted images of the difference.
"Metro cars in Washington, D.C., are packed to overflow this morning, unlike for yesterday's inauguration," Bloomberg's Jennifer Jacob's tweeted. "Pumped up women marchers."
The Huffington Post's Ryan Reilly posted an image from a friend, who had been waiting 40 minutes just to get into a suburban Metro station
Some riders' images showed insanely crowded platforms near the National Mall for the march, shortly before the march was slated to begin.
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, which operates the Metro, said crowd sizes for Trump's inauguration were immensely smaller than for President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush's inaugurations.
Women's March organizers estimate hundreds of thousands of people will show up to the event.
Public transportation to the Women's March has already gotten so overwhelmed that Metro issued a warning about long delays.
"Be prepared," the Metro's official account tweeted, "system-wide delays possible do to extremely large crowds."