14 powerful photos that show the unity of women's marches around the world

As hundreds of thousands of demonstrators gathered in Washington, D.C. on Saturday for the Women's March, thousands more gathered at sister marches across the globe. From Australia and Peru to Lebanon and Malawi — even as far as Antarctica — marchers joined in to speak out against sexism, racism and attacks on equality in the U.S. and around the world.
The official count as of Saturday afternoon was 673 women's marches in total — across all seven continents and in every corner of the globe. Here are some of the powerful images showing just how widespread and united the women's movement was on Saturday.
Marchers moved towards the U.S. consulate in Amsterdam on Saturday.
Thousands gathered for a solidarity Women's March in London.
Demonstrators in Macau came together for a Women's March rally.
And women took a stand against Trump at a march in Barcelona, Spain.
And in Sydney.
In Paris, demonstrators rallied for women in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower.
And marchers held anti-Trump signs in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In Warsaw, Poland, marchers headed toward the city's U.S. embassy.
And marchers also gathered in Kolkata, India.
In Berlin, demonstrators at a sister Women's March held signs reading "Love Trumps Hate" and "We the People."
They had similar signs at the Women's March in Athens, Greece, the birthplace of democracy.
Anti-Trump signs were out in full force in Brussels, too.
And a group in Paradise Bay, Antarctica, exercised its free speech in a place inhabited mainly by penguins.
But the biggest marches of the day were in the U.S. In D.C., alone, the estimated attendance was half a million and growing by Saturday afternoon.
Jan. 21, 2017, 5:49 p.m.: This story has been updated.
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