Trump says his Muslim ban is keeping out "bad dudes." Here's what those bad dudes actually look like

President Donald Trump says he's protecting you from "bad dudes."
In response to nationwide protests objecting to Trump's immigration ban signed Friday, the president began the week by posting a tweet reaffirming his support for his executive order Monday morning.
"If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the 'bad' would rush into our country during that week," Trump wrote. "A lot of bad 'dudes' out there!"
Trump's team was tightlipped about their longstanding immigration plan — which predated the election and was kept secret.
Trump's executive order to exclude "bad dudes" applies to all refugees trying to resettle in America, as the resettlement program is halted.
It refers more specifically to citizens from seven muslim-majority countries, including Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, nearly all of whom have been temporarily barred from entering the United States. The only exception is Syria, whose refugees are banned indefinitely. The executive order is widely described by its opponents as anti-Muslim.
Refugees already faced an exhaustive screening process and 8 million of all refugees in the world are children and, according to UNICEF, "nearly 50 million children have been uprooted – 28 million of them driven from their homes by conflicts not of their making, and millions more migrating in the hope of finding a better, safer life." As Syria has descended into one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time, 11 million Syrians are left displaced. Parents with newborns and the elderly alike seek refuge.
While the president insists the ban promotes national security, some politicians worry it has instead inflamed anti-American sentiment amongst radical extremists, like ISIS, which will use the ban as a recruiting tool.
The likelihood an American will get killed by a refugee in a domestic attack is around one in 3.64 billion per year, according to the Cato Institute. The chances of an undocumented immigrant killing an American in an attack is one in 10.9 billion per year.
Conversely, 963 Americans were killed by police officers in 2016, the Washington Post reports. Meanwhile, Trump has said he will militarize and empower law enforcement.
These numbers highlight just how misdirected the executive order ostensibly designed to promote national security is. Here are 32 images of what Trump's "bad dudes" look like.