Here's how the world is reacting to Trump's immigration ban on Muslim countries

On Jan. 27, President Donald Trump signed a wide-reaching executive order banning immigration and travel for citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries. And, for the most part, the rest of the world is not happy about it.
In the days following the announcement of the new immigration policy, leaders from countries around the world have spoken out against Trump's "Muslim ban" and its Islamophobic intentions. The United Nations also condemned the decision in a joint statement with the International Organization for Migration. The agencies said they hope "the U.S. will continue its strong leadership role and long tradition of protecting those who are fleeing conflict and persecution."
Here's how just a few of the countries around the world have reacted to Trump's executive order:
United Kingdom
The U.K. has been particularly vocal about Trump's executive order. Prime Minister Theresa May, who took a harsh anti-immigrant stance in her former position as Home Office secretary and is now leading Britain's exit from the E.U., was with Trump prior to the ban taking effect on Friday.
Initially, May refused to harshly condemn the ban and revoke her invitation asking Trump to make a state visit to the U.K. In response, Britons launched a petition calling for the invitation to be suspended, which has since garnered over one million signatures, and thousands marched in protest of Trump's executive order and May's inaction in cities throughout the U.K.
May has since clarified that she believes Trump's policy is "divisive and wrong," though she has not yet revoked his state visit invitation.
In contrast to May, other British politicians took a much firmer stance against Trump's ban. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn said that it would be "totally wrong" for Trump to visit the U.K. while the ban is in effect, while London Mayor Sadiq Khan called the measure "shameful and cruel" in a Facebook post published on Sunday.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, who was a key proponent for the U.K.'s E.U. exit, tweeted in response that it is "divisive and wrong to stigmatise because of nationality."
America's neighbor to the north has also been vocal against Trump's ban. In contrast to Trump's hostility against Syrian refugees, Canada has been particularly welcoming. The country has admitted over 39,000 Syrian refugees since November 2015.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reinforced Canada's commitment to refugees in the wake of Trump's executive order, tweeting that "Diversity is [Canada's] strength."
Canada will also reportedly accept asylum applications from green card holders in the U.S. Following Trump's executive order, the country was also rocked by a mass shooting at a mosque in Quebec City. The alleged shooter is said to have expressed his support for Trump and other far-right leaders online prior to the attack.
Leaders throughout Europe offered their own varying opinions in response to Trump's executive order.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel strongly opposed Trump's ban, saying in a statement that the threat of terrorism "does not justify putting people of a specific background or faith under general suspicion." Merkel, Reuters reports, also spoke to Trump and explained the Geneva Conventions' requirement that countries must accept war refugees on humanitarian grounds.
French foreign minister Jean-Marc Ayrault roundly condemned Trump's ban. "Terrorism knows no nationality. Discrimination is no response," Ayrault said, according to Reuters.
Margot Wallström, Sweden's minister for foreign affairs, tweeted she was "deeply concerned" about Trump's decision, adding that it "creates mistrust between people."
In Turkey, a predominantly Muslim nation that lies in both Europe and Asia, Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek reiterated Turkey's welcoming stance toward refugees, noting that refugees who are not allowed in the U.S. would be welcome there.
Not all European politicians, however, took such an oppositional stance. A spokesman for Czech Republic president Milos Zeman said, "U.S. President Trump protects his country, he's concerned with the safety of his citizens. Exactly what E.U. elites do not do," USA Today reported.
Far-right leaders throughout Europe have offered similar praise, according to USA Today. French National Front leader Marine Le Pen said Trump was merely following through on the promises he made on the campaign trail. Matteo Salvini, the leader of Italy's Northern League party, said, "What Trump's doing on the other side of the ocean, I'd like it done also here."
In the Netherlands, far-right leader Geert Wilders said Trump's ban was "the only way to stay safe and free" and called on him to expand the order even further.
Australia, similarly, has offered praise for Trump's immigration ban. "It is vital that every nation is able to control who comes across its borders," Prime Minister Malcolm Trumbull said, according to CNN . Trumbull also reportedly spoke with Trump directly about "the importance of border security and the threat of illegal and irregular migration."
Pakistan, a South Asian country that is predominantly Muslim but was excluded from the ban, roundly denounced Trump's actions. CNN reported that Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar said the ban would not combat terrorism, but would rather "increase the miseries of victims of terrorism."
"The worst sufferers of terrorism are Muslims," Nisar said, "and they have given the most sacrifices against this scourge."
Middle East and affected countries
The Middle East countries specified in Trump's ban, understandably, have been harsh in their condemnation of Trump's ban. The Arab League, which includes both those affected by Trump's decision and excluded countries such as Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, expressed their concern over the restrictions and said they are unjustified, Reuters reported.
A statement published by Iran's Ministry of Foreign Affairs attacked Trump's decision, describing it as an "insult to the Islamic world" and noting "it will be recorded in history as a great gift to extremists and their supporters."
The Foreign Ministry of Iraq expressed its "regret and astonishment" over the ban, CNN reported, which the government calls an "unfortunate" decision.
Iraq is also reportedly considering a reciprocal ban on U.S. citizens entering Iraq, the Washington Post reported.
The Foreign Ministry of Yemen argued that the U.S.'s attempt to characterize its citizens as possible terrorists was "illegal and illegitimate," CNN reported. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Abdel-Malak al-Mekhlafi said the ban is "not justified" and "supports the terrorists and sows divisions among people."
The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Sudan called on the U.S. to remove the northern-African nation from its list of states that sponsor terrorism, according to CNN. The ministry noted that the Sudanese people are "heirs to the ancient Nile River civilization, which is marked by tolerance and peaceful coexistence."
"The Sudanese citizens living in the United States are known for their good reputation, respect for American laws and their lack of involvement in radical and criminal acts," the Sudanese government said.