Everything Melania Trump has worn during her second week as first lady


We know there are more pressing matters happening in the world. The Iran sanctions. The Israeli settlements. Donald Trump's White House not mentioning Jews in his statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day. Russia. Just to name a few.

We know there are bigger things going on, but really: Where in the world is Melania Trump?

As a style section, we recounted her first week in the White House, and what she wore, including her Inauguration Day apparel, and her outfit to the National Prayer Service the day after. 

For her second week, we assumed we could do the same — but no. We have nothing. 

Since Jan. 21, the first lady of the United States of America has not been seen. 

This isn't normal. 

By this time eight years ago in 2009, Michelle Obama had hosted an open house reception at the White House, given a speech at the signing of former President Barack Obama's Lily Ledbetter Act and spoken at a school in Washington, D.C. with her husband. 

Melania Trump, meanwhile, is nowhere to be found. Sunday after the inauguration, she and Barron rushed back to their home in New York City. According to Trump, she'd be back soon. 

"They'll come down on weekends," Trump told the New York Times. "She’ll come down on Thursdays and stay."

Well, Donny, where is she now? 

If she were around, there would surely be traces of her on places like Getty Images or the Associated Press or CNN — but no. We have nothing. 

We have seen nothing. We have heard nothing, other than the fact that Trump has been slow to fill open positions in the East Wing. 

Is she secretly Carmen Sandiego? We think not. 

So where is Melania Trump? We want to know. We are concerned, and that concern is growing. 

Until she returns, we simply cannot do our jobs in peace.