'League of Legends' Blood Moon Skins: Prices and availability for Shen, Akali and more

Avid League of Legends players have no doubt been scrambling to check out the new Blood Moon event with the arrival of patch 7.3. In addition to several nerfs, it introduced a new "Hunt of the Blood Moon" mode with some awesome new skins to collect.
Each skin is currently available for purchase within the League of Legends in-game shop, and you can spend your Riot Points on them to start using them now. Check out the list below for each character's skin splash art and price.
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Akali
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Diana
Price: 1350 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Elise
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Jhin
Price: 1350 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Kalista
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Kennen
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Shen
Price: 750 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Talon
Price: 1350 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Thresh
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Twisted Fate
Price: 1350 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Yasuo
Price: 975 RP
League of Legends Blood Moon Skins: Zilean
Price: 975 RP
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