The world's first aphrodisiac edible is here, thanks to fancy cannabis chocolatier 1906

You'll be flying high in love after indulging in these unique Valentine's Day chocolates.
1906, the upscale cannabis chocolatier launched in 2016 by former Wall Street banker Peter Barsoom, has reached new levels with its newest treat: High Love.
The High Love chocolate gem is the first ever edible cannabis aphrodisiac available for sale. Made with all-natural romantic stimulants like muira puama (called the Viagra of the Amazon), yohimbe (a natural aphrodisiac from West Africa) and damiana (a shrub native to Central America used as an aphrodisiacs by ancient Aztecs), this isn't your typical pot brownie.
"There is a long history of use of cannabis and other plants as aphrodisiacs from time immemorial," Barsoom said via email of his inspiration to create this new chocolate. "We wanted to create a product that combines the best science and plant medicines that help people experience that most basic — and debatably most awesome — fundamental desire: sensuality."
Like with all aphrodisiacs, Barsoom said men and women can expect to experience the results of the High Love differently, though "both will be impacted in a sensual way." Marijuana has been shown to influence some people's sex drive, so it's possible this product just puts everything in higher gear.
1906's cannabis chocolates are also known for their "rapid delivery" promise: It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to feel the effects of eating the THC-infused chocolate, rather than the 60 to 90 minutes some edibles require. High Love, like contains 5 milligrams of THC and CBD per chocolate piece. For reference, the average joint, when smoked, releases about 49 to 59 milligrams of THC, so this is a small dose. However, ingesting marijuana can result a much different experience than smoking it.
To create an infused chocolate candy that would double as an aphrodisiac, 1906 focused on three synergistic effects: increased blood flow throughout the body (particularly the pelvis area), energy and stimulation from the theobromine (in cocoa) and sativa strain, and mood enhancement.
But does the High Love actually work to get you in the mood? Since pot affects different people differently, you'd have to try it to find out.
The High Love chocolate is currently only available in dispensaries across Colorado, where prices start at $14 for a box of three, $24 for a box of six and $44 for a dozen.