House Republicans block Democratic attempt to debate Trump's Russia ties

Republicans on a powerful House committee on Tuesday voted to block a Democratic attempt to force the Department of Justice to release information on the investigation into whether President Donald Trump and his aides had ties to Russia during his campaign.
Questions over Trump's relationship with Russia has dogged his administration for the past few weeks, and cost him his National Security Adviser Mike Flynn.
The vote was on an obscure legislative tactic called a resolution of inquiry, which gives Congress the opportunity to compel the executive branch to hand over documents, according to Politico.
It was filed by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.), who said there's been a "deafening silence" from congressional Republicans to investigate Trump and his campaign's potential ties to Russia.
"It is unfortunate that we must resort to a resolution of inquiry to learn the truth about these serious issues," Nadler said in a statement. "However, the House has so far abdicated its constitutional responsibility to provide meaningful oversight into the Trump administration, and it is time that we do our duty."
Republicans on the Judiciary Committee, where the resolution was filed, voted down the measure.
Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) said the resolution was "unnecessary, premature, and not the best way for this committee or the House to conduct oversight," according to the Washington Post.
Goodlatte said he will request that Attorney General Jeff Sessions, "proceed with investigations into any criminal conduct regarding these matters," according to the Washington Post.
Nadler, however, is not content with that answer, saying in a series of tweets that he will continue to file resolutions of inquiry in different House committees in an effort to get any member of Congress "who won't protect the truth & the Constitution on record."