The Women's March just released details on March 8 "A Day Without a Woman" strike

The women's strike has been on the books for roughly a month, but information on the event remained scant until Thursday, when the organizers of the Women's March on Washington released details on their A Day Without a Woman initiative.
On March 8, International Women's Day, strike coordinators are calling on women to highlight their "indispensable role ... in the daily functions of life in all of society" through conspicuous absence, according to a press release. Women are asked to "take the day off from paid and unpaid labor," to wear red and to refrain from spending money, unless they do so at "small, women- and minority-owned businesses."
The goal, according to the release, is to "highlight the economic power and significance that women have on the U.S. and global economies."
The majority of low-wage jobs, however, are occupied by women: Opting out of a day's income isn't financially feasible for many female workers who would stand to lose their jobs if they went on strike. And the Women's March organizers seem to understand this.
"While the most impactful way would be to take the day off, we realize that many women in our most vulnerable communities or whose jobs provide essential services, including reproductive health services, will not have the ability to join the strike," Women's March spokesperson Cassady Fendlay said in the statement. "We strike for each of them and we look forward to seeing the creative ways both men and women will showcase their support."
Male allies, meanwhile, are encouraged to spend the day advocating for workplace rights — equal pay for women and paid family leave. Corresponding marches and rallies are also planned for A Day Without Women nationwide.