Mike Pence used private email for government business. It's already been hacked.

To hear Vice President Mike Pence tell it, Hillary Clinton's email debacle makes her one of the most corrupt politicians since Richard Nixon.
But what about his emails?
Emails obtained through public record inquiries by the IndyStar show Mike Pence used a private AOL email account, which has been under scrutiny since November, to handle sensitive government issues as governor of Indiana. Pence used the email address to discuss personal security issues as well as the state's response to terrorism
The allegation that Pence would conduct government business over private email is ironic, given that he was a harsh supporter of Hillary Clinton's handling of state business from a private email server of her own.
Some of the emails the IndyStar requested couldn't even be released to journalists, because the information they contained was "confidential and too sensitive."
But even if journalists couldn't get access, hackers had no problem getting into Pence's account. Back in June, scammers were not only able to access Mike Pence's AOL account but also send out a phishing email to his entire contact list, claiming Pence and his wife were trapped in the Philippines and needed money.
"If your son or my son handled classified information the way Hillary Clinton did, they would be court-martialed," Pence said to Tim Kaine during the vice-presidential debates.