A Day Without a Woman: 14 women's strike rallies happening in a city near you

On Wednesday, which is International Women's Day, women across the country will take part in the national Day Without a Woman strike.
The strike is similar to the Day Without Immigrants protest, and women will engage in a daylong protest to showcase the impact women make on society. Organizers with the International Women's Strike and the Women's March have both set out to mobilize for women's rights.
"On International Women's Day, March 8th, women and our allies will act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity," organizers wrote on the Women's March website.
Here's a rundown of several women's strike rallies in major cities in the United States.
New York
International Women's Strike NYC: Rally and March
On March 8th, the International Women's Strike NYC — a coalition representing dozens of grassroots groups and labor organizations — is organizing a number of actions in support of labor campaigns, migrants' rights, Sanctuary Campus campaigns, and others.
A Day Without a Woman: New York City
On a #DayWithoutAWoman, March 8, we will gather in New York City for a show of solidarity and revolutionary love. Meet us at 12 p.m. at the intersection of 5th Ave & 59th Street.
International Women's Strike: Albany
We are coming out to advocate for policy changes that will make workplaces more equitable and accessible to all women."
Washington, D.C.
Protest: Resist Trump. Kill the Gag
Trump's global gag rule is a grotesque expansion of a failed, deadly policy that prohibits foreign organizations that receive U.S. global health assistance from providing or even discussing abortions with patients. This rule now threatens access to safe abortion and other basic health care for millions of people around the world.
The event will feature live testimony and rallying cries from a diversity of voices, performances, videos, a flash mob, poetry, music, and much more. Through an artistic uprising, collective expression and creative resistance, women workers and artists will share personal powerful moving testimonies experienced on the job. We will come together to witness and listen to women workers who hold this country up but often remain invisible. The free event will take place from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will honor the sacred and valuable work of women around the world, in all its forms, by demanding safe, violence-free workplaces.
International Women's Strike: Berkeley
Wear Red. Bring anti-oppression texts for the reading marathon. Bring signs with political demands. This is a peaceful protest.
International Women's Strike: San Jose
Everyone is welcome as we gather together outside of SJ City Hall in love and solidarity with women around the world on International Women's Day. Bring a lunch, connect with others in your community, and show your support for the rights and freedom of all women.
The rally kicks off at noon at Justin Herman Plaza. There will be speakers, free childcare at the plaza park, and materials for making signs - please bring extra materials to share if you can!
We have got to act. Let us join together on March 8th to inaugurate a new politics. Let us use the occasion of this international day of action to be done with lean-in feminism and to build in its place a feminism for the 99%, a grassroots, anti-capitalist feminism — a feminism in solidarity with working women, their families and their allies throughout the world.
2017 International Women's Day Rally & March: Des Moines
Join us on March 8th in solidarity with immigrant and refugee women! We will rally at the West Capitol Terrace at 11:30 a.m. and will march on E. Walnut/Walnut towards the Federal Building!
International Women's Strike: Baltimore
Rally 3 p.m. — Join us for an inclusive and exciting rally that will highlight important issues facing women including racism, sexism, anti-LGBTQ bigotry, and workers and immigrant rights. Our solidarity is a powerful weapon against Trump's anti-people agenda. Enjoy music, food, poetry and speeches. We encourage noon day rallies and feeder marches.
International Women's Strike: Minneapolis
Protest and March
A Day Without A Woman: International Women's Day Rally
Actions include your personal contribution In Solidarity to A Day Without A Women! Attend the WMW-OH local International Women's Day Rally, get together with a group of women over breakfast or lunch at home verses a restaurant In Solidarity with underpaid workers, boycott businesses that further disenfranchise people in our society, and or strike from cleaning or cooking.
International Women's Strike: Philadelphia
With the goal of educating agitating and organizing, we will gather at Logan Square at 5 p.m., where we will have several speakers. From there, we will march to Thomas Paine Plaza, stopping at several locations to show solidarity with those who work in traditionally women dominated industries. At Thomas Paine Plaza, we will have a closing rally and action. We are currently looking to have a discussion on intersectional and inclusive feminist issues and topics at a nearby indoor venue afterwards.
International Women's Strike: Milwaukee
Join us for our annual Global Women's Strike on International Women's Day!