Wall Street man mimes sex with Fearless Girl statue, proves why we can't have nice things

Here is a charming allegory for what women are up against: A photo has gone viral of a finance bro humping the Fearless Girl statue recently installed on Wall Street as a symbol of female leadership.
Architectural designer Alexis Kaloyanides witnessed the act Thursday night, and promptly posted a picture to Facebook.
"Almost as if out of central casting, some Wall Street finance broseph appeared and started humping the statue while his gross date rape-y friends laughed and cheered him on," Kaloyanides captioned the shot. "He pretended to have sex with the image of a little girl. Douchebags like this are why we need feminism."
Fearless Girl popped up on Tuesday, right before International Women's Day. Positioned directly across from Wall Street's trademark Charging Bull, as if she were staring it down, she stands as a call for gender diversity in the financial sector.
Kaloyanides, 34, told Inside Edition that she and a group of friends opted to go see the statue at off-peak hours, after the crowds thinned out. They took some pictures with the statue before three men approached the scene.
The men started climbing on the Charging Bull before one turned his attention to Fearless Girl who, it bears noting, looks like she would be about six years old if she were human rather than bronze.
The offending dude "starting grinding against the statue" Kaloyanides said, "being lewd and totally inappropriate" for about 20 seconds before jeers from those assembled drove him away, laughing with his buddies.
"This is just further perpetuating a mentality of 'boys will be boys' and that 'it's okay, it's a joke, just brush it off,'" she continued. "This young man likely has a mother, a sister perhaps, a girlfriend, a wife — who knows? I'm getting tired of making excuses and laughing it off. I, for one, am not gonna laugh it off anymore."
The incident drew ire from both New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and NYC's first lady, Chirlane McCray, both of whom strongly condemned the rogue bro's actions.
Indeed it is, Mayor de Blasio. Indeed it is.