Marco Rubio is not okay with Snoop Dogg firing toy gun at clown Trump in music video

Welcome to the circus, everyone.
Sen. Marco Rubio, formerly a contender for the Republican presidential nomination, does not support Snoop Dogg's latest creative decision, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.
In a video for the rapper's remix of "Lavender," Snoop Dogg fires a toy gun at a clown obviously made up to resemble President Donald Trump. By "toy gun," we mean the kind that unfurls a flag that says "BANG" when the trigger is pulled — but still, Rubio didn't like it.
"Snoop shouldn't have done that," the Florida senator reportedly told digital tabloid TMZ. "We've had presidents assassinated before in this country, so anything like that is something people should really careful about."
"[If the] wrong person sees that and gets the wrong idea, you could have a real problem," Rubio added.
"Lil' Marco," as Trump frequently called him during the GOP primaries, is apparently a rap enthusiast. The Washington Post once compiled once a list of Rubio's favorite and most frequently gabbed-about hip-hop artists. Snoop Dogg didn't rank.
Here is the offending vid: