Dior is selling a cotton "We Should All Be Feminists" T-shirt. It's $710.

From "The Future is Female" to those ones that read "Nevertheless, She Persisted," feminist statement T-shirts have had a certain allure as of late. Blame the Women's March or Donald Trump or really just the current political climate as a whole, but plenty of designers think that what women want right now is a T-shirt that lets their feminist beliefs be seen by all.
But would you pay $710 for that?
That's what Dior is betting on. Last September, the label debuted a white cotton T-shirt that read "We Should All Be Feminists," a nod to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's feminist text, down the front at Paris Fashion Week.
It went viral.
Then Rihanna became a fan.
And now Dior is officially putting them up for sale — for $710. $710 for a cotton T-shirt with some words across the front.
It also comes it black, for the same price.
What's making this a bit more troublesome: although it does give back, partnering with Rihanna's charity Clara Lionel Foundation, which funds education, health and emergency response programs across the world, Dior hasn't announced just what percentage of the profits from the sales of these T-shirts will go to Rihanna's nonprofit.
All it simply says is this: "Dior will donate a percentage of proceeds from each sale of the 'We Should All Be Feminists' T-shirts to the Clara Lionel Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by singer and songwriter Rihanna."
But what percentage, Dior? What percentage? Charitable efforts made via retail purchases are a useful way to raise funds, but making the price point so high, and using the not-meant-ironically text "we should all," on an item that costs more than iPhone is making this a charity op exclusively for the rich. Seems counterintuitive to the cause, no?
Mic has reached out to Dior for further information.