Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon have some thoughts on that 'Daily Mail' "Legs-it" cover
On Wednesday, British Prime Minister Theresa May triggered Article 50, finalizing Britain's historic departure from the European Union. But May couldn't spend too much time worrying about that, since she had to address the real Brexit story dominating the news cycle. You know, the one about her legs.
May and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's "pins" became the Daily Mail's lead story Tuesday, with the British tabloid exclaiming on its front page, "Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!"
So yeah, about that.
"As a woman in politics, throughout my whole career I have found that very often, what I wear — particularly my shoes — has been an issue that has been looked at rather closely by people," May told the Express & Star.
Despite recognizing the bias that might lead someone to focus on a woman's appearance rather than their words or actions, May dismissed the Daily Mail's cover as lighthearted fun.
"I think that most people concentrate on what we do as politicians," she said. "But if people want to have a bit of fun about how we dress, then so be it."
Sturgeon was less tickled by the Daily Mail's headline, with her spokesperson condemning the sexist cover in no uncertain terms.
"Brexit may risk taking Britain back to the early 1970s, but there is no need for coverage of events to lead the way," her spokesperson told the Guardian.