You can now buy Girl Scout cookies on Amazon — but there's a catch

Looking to get your hands on some Samoas and Thin Mints but don't personally know a Girl Scout? That's no longer an issue.
You won't need to harangue your coworkers whose children are in Girl Scouts anymore — simply log onto Amazon and order yourself as many boxes of precious cookies as your heart desires.
Most of the classic Girl Scout cookies (Do-si-dos, Thin Mints, Trefoils and Tagalongs) are available for purchase with Prime shipping. Your plans for tomorrow are set.
There's just one catch...
Prepare to shell out a lot of extra bucks for the convenience of buying online. These boxes are selling for up to $10 a box. Normally, local Girl Scout councils decide on pricing and cookies typically cost $4 to $5 per box, Bustle reported.
Buying on Amazon means you're paying double normal prices, plus there's no guarantee the money will go straight toward supporting the Girl Scouts program.
Are you really going to deny these pint-sized ladies the opportunity to learn important business skills?
"We caution against purchases of Girl Scout Cookies found for sale online at auction and via community list sites, such as eBay and Amazon, because GSUSA, your local Girl Scout council, and our licensed cookie bakers cannot guarantee the freshness or integrity of these cookies," Girl Scouts wrote on its site.
Don't want to buy on Amazon but still into the idea of ordering Girl Scout cookies from your bed? You can purchase cookies from your local Girl Scout troop if they're using the organization's new Digital Cookie platform. Check whether a troop in your area is using the online cookie marketplace here. Indeed, you can have your cookies and eat 'em, too.