A thousand teens were asked what brands they think are cool. Here’s what they picked.


The kids sure do love their videos and junk food. As part of a new survey, Google asked 1,100 very cool teens, ages 13 to 17, to rate brands on their "coolness" factor and name recognition, ranked from "least aware" to "most aware." 

Toward the top in both metrics were Google itself and Google-owned YouTube along with other digital brands like Netflix, Snapchat and Instagram. 

Doritos, Oreo and Gatorade also ranked high in both coolness and awareness.

TMZPeople and the Wall Street Journal ranked low on coolness, while Vice and Virgin America scored toward the bottom on both coolness and awareness.

It's worth noting that, in a Google-sponsored survey, the teens overwhelmingly picked Google and YouTube as both cool and high-profile. But they also love Doritos, which makes complete sense. 

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