The original Tamagotchi is coming back. Sound the alarms, millennials.

It's been 20 years since the Tamagotchi craze first swept the country, giving '90s kids a chance to raise and nurture a tiny digital creature before subsequently starving it to death.
Now, the Tamagotchi has returned in its original form.
Bandai, the Japanese company behind Tamagotchi, has re-released the original model of the toy from 1996 in honor of its 20-year anniversary, the Telegraph reported Tuesday.
The Tamagotchi, a digital pet that lives in a small plastic egg, requires feeding, cleaning and nurturing to keep it alive. Its instant popularity in the '90s led the New York Times to ask, in 1997, whether it was the latest version of the "Beanie Babies craze."
When the Tamagotchi was first released in the United States, toy retailer F.A.O. Schwarz sold 30,000 of them in the first three days they were available, the Times reported. According to the Telegraph, more than 76 million Tamagotchi have been sold worldwide since their debut.
It remains to be seen whether or not re-releasing the original will jumpstart a new surge in Tamagotchi popularity. But there's a catch to this new re-release: It's only available in Japan. Tamagotchi lovers in the U.S. will still be able to order it online, though. It's available for purchase from Amazon Japan, Fortune reported, for about ¥ 1,900, which is roughly $17.