'Girls' Finale Recap: Baby Grover is a wake-up call for Hannah in final episode

On Sunday, we said our final goodbye to Girls.
In season six, episode 10, titled "Latching," the series finale of HBO's dramedy gave closure for Hannah Horvath.
In the finale, the show jumps ahead five months. Hannah has given birth to her son, whom she names Grover, and isn't exactly thriving in motherhood. Marnie decides to move in with Hannah and help raise the baby with her. Hannah struggles with breastfeeding Grover and it becomes a problem for her in episode 10. She pushes away her newborn son, her best friend and her mother.
Marnie and Hannah are at odds. In classic Marnie form, she is just looking to be there for her best friend during this trying time. Hannah, as a result of Grover not latching onto her to breastfeed, is acting out. She reverts back to the old Hannah Horvath and it's clear that a baby does not fix everything. At her wit's end, Marnie calls Hannah's mother, Loreen, to come help them out and it only makes things worse.
Loreen, played by the spectacular Becky Ann Baker, attempts to help her daughter through this experience. She reveals she couldn't breastfeed either when Hannah was a baby, but it's too late. This moment is all about Hannah and she lashes out at her mother and storms out.
Attempting to clear her mind on a walk, Hannah runs into a teenager in peril. She tries to help her but finds out the girl's not actually in danger — she just ran away from home because she got into a fight with her mother. Sound familiar? Hannah parents the young woman as if she were her own child and tells her no one will ever love her as unconditionally as her own mother. In this scene, Hannah has her "aha" moment — this isn't about her anymore, it's about Grover.
Hannah returns home to her mom and to Marnie. The women are sitting on the porch together and Grover, sleeping inside, begins to cry. Marnie and her mom both get up to go get the baby but Hannah tells them to sit down because she can handle it. The final scene of the Girls series finale is Hannah's last attempt to breastfeed her baby. With a clear mind, Hannah soothes her child and Grover finally latches on.
The final season of Girls was a wake-up call for Hannah and stayed true to the show. In getting pregnant, she was forced to make decisions that would alter her life greatly. She got a job, said goodbye to Adam, moved out of the city, broke up with her friends and finally got her own voice. Not being able to breastfeed Grover caused Hannah to have one final self-indulgent moment before the show came to an end.
For once, Hannah had to think about another person, her son, rather than herself. In doing so, Hannah finally grew up.
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