Trump isn’t the only one leaking intel — his aide just revealed Jim Mattis’ phone number

News broke on Monday that President Donald Trump shared highly sensitive information about the Islamic State group with Russian ambassadors while bragging about the quality of his intelligence sources. But Trump wasn't the only member of his administration caught sloppily handling intelligence that day.
According to the Washington Post, reader Paul Redmond noticed a photo they published of Trump's longtime bodyguard and current Director of Oval Office Operations Keith Schiller, revealing Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis' private cell phone number — on a sticky note labeled "Jim, Mad Dog, Mattis."
The Post dialed the number and were promptly connected to Mattis' voice mail, thus confirming "the president's bodyguard — the guy famous for punching someone outside of Trump Tower, the guy who according to the story has the president's complete trust — is employing the yellow sticky note system of information security."
Virtually anyone, ranging from random readers like Redmond to foreign intelligence services, could have found the photo. In fact, a search for Schiller's name on the AP's wire photo service turned up at least two photos of him and Trump with the number clearly legible as the first results.
A call to the number still connected Mic to Mattis' voice mail inbox as of Monday evening.
May 15, 2017, 7:06 p.m. Eastern: This article has been updated.