'Destiny 2' Gameplay Reveal: Guided Games make looking for a group a lot more appealing

Activision and Bungie hosted a big Destiny 2 reveal event on May 18, which clarified details about the game's September 8 release. In addition to a taste of the game's story, Bungie revealed new gameplay footage and the powerful new Guardian powers.
What surprised me most, though, was that there is going to be a brand new way to enjoy playing the game solo. It won't require you to play with Destiny "blueberries" and will instead put the previously algorithmic matchmaking in your hands.
Destiny 2 Guided Games: Clans and how the new feature will work
Destiny 2 is going to be big on integrating clans into the game. Instead of having to coordinate your raid nights or fireteams outside of the game via Bungie's Destiny website, you'll be able to see your clan's roster right in the game. No more frantic late-night texting to coordinate a strike.
But what if you don't have a clan, or you don't want to be a part of one? Destiny 2 has a way to subvert the need for a permanent clan with Guided Games.
According to Bungie, Guided Games will provide a way for clans to fill out a spot in their raid or fireteam and it will allow players to experience strictly multiplayer content without dealing with the DestinyLFG subreddit. Players will get to choose which clan they'll group up with, based on the banner and a quick overview of what the clan is all about.
Destiny 2 Guided Games: There's at least one issue to consider
The big problem that I can foresee with this is how to deal with the issue of clans only interested in Guided Games that allow them access to tiered loot. In essence: "No Gjallarhorn, no group." Well, there isn't a Gjallarhorn in the new game, so it'll be the Destiny 2 equivalent.
If you choose a clan to temporarily group up with and you don't meet their standards, will you get kicked to the curb? Will there be any consequences for bailing out of a group? How will reporting work, if there is any? How will clans and players remain accountable to one another?
Ultimately, Guided Games will solve the issue of the "Destiny sherpa" and allow people to group up in the manner that suits them best. I'm cautiously optimistic about what this will mean for me, a player who isn't often able to raid but does enjoy the narrative content when it's available. When my friends blow past me in content, at least I'll be able to cherry-pick a group to hang with.
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