From Rihanna memes to Maxine Waters quotes, graduation caps this year have been A+

Every year, when graduation time comes around, we get to meet the people who don't see a graduation cap as a funny little hat with a square piece of cardboard on top, but as a canvas.
Yes, this year, as with many years before, students took the liberty of turning their caps and tassels into pieces of art, incorporating everything from politics to social issues to pop culture memes.
Here are some of the best:
In terms of pop culture, a range of people and shows made appearances at graduation ceremonies across the country, including Rihanna...
Kendrick Lamar...
Taraji P. Henson...
and even Hamilton.
Now, in terms of politics, plenty of students had something to say. For some members of the Latinx community specifically, immigration was a hot topic.
Feminism and black girl magic got in there, too.
Speaking of black women, Maxine Water's iconic quote, "I am a strong black woman," even made it on a cap.
As did "Nevertheless, she persisted," the words that Sen. Mitch McConnell used to describe Elizabeth Warren's attempt to disavow Jeff Sessions.
For one person, their graduation cap was a time to celebrate some of the most groundbreaking political women of all time, from Michelle Obama and Rosa Parks to Amelia Earhart.
Yeah, these grads are gonna be alright.