A GIF guide to 28 of the most bizarre, brutal and badass ways to die in 'Game of Thrones'

(Editor's note: This post contains violent depictions of death as seen in Game of Thrones.)
Life in Game of Thrones is a precarious thing. The fictitious world is a dangerous place filled with fire-breathing dragons, faceless assassins and vengeful rulers, and many beloved (and loathed) characters from the HBO series have met their demise in a number of shocking ways. Whether it be death by shadow demon, molten gold or poison lipstick, Game of Thrones never fails to flaunt its creative killing style. For better or worse, the grotesque and gruesome slayings have become a staple for the show — and with the series about to enter its final stretch, it doesn't seem likely the creators will dial down the gore anytime soon.
Before Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister and the other contenders duke it out over the Iron Throne in the show's fast-approaching seventh season, let's take a look back at some of the most bizarre, brutal and badass ways characters have died in previous seasons of Game of Thrones.
Season one
1. Death by ice sword
Victim: Waymar Royce
Executioner: White Walker
Lesson learned: Don't go beyond the Wall.
2. Death by molten gold
Victim: Viserys Targaryen
Executioner: Khal Drogo
Lesson learned: Be careful what you wish for.
3. Death by goring
Victim: Robert Baratheon
Executioner: Boar
Lesson learned: Don't drink and hunt.
4. Death by Ice, House Stark's greatsword
Victim: Ned Stark
Executioner: Ilyn Payne
Lesson learned: Never get between a Lannister and the throne.
5. Death by fire
Victim: Mirri Maz Duur
Executioner: Daenerys Targaryen
Lesson learned: If you hurt someone Daenerys loves, she'll return the favor tenfold.
Season two
6. Death by shadow blade
Victim: Renly Baratheon
Executioner: Shadow demon controlled by the Red Woman
Lesson learned: The night is truly dark and full of terrors.
7. Death by baby dragonfire
Victim: Pyat Pree
Executioner: Daenerys Targaryen's baby dragons
Lesson learned: Baby dragons are like tiny flamethrowers: They're still deadly.
8. Death by entombment
Victim: Xaro Xhoan Daxos
Executioner: Daenerys Targaryen
Lesson learned: Daenerys has special plans for those who betray her.
Season three
9. Death by wedding party
Victim: Catelyn Stark, Robb Stark and many more
Executioner: Walder Frey's men
Lesson learned: House Frey has no honor.
Season four
10. Death by Needle sword
Victim: Polliver
Executioner: Arya Stark
Lesson learned: Arya can hold a deadly grudge.
11. Death by poison wine
Victim: Joffrey Baratheon
Executioner: Olenna Tyrell
Lesson learned: There's more than one kingslayer in this town.
12. Death by Moon Door
Victim: Lysa Arryn
Executioner: Petyr Baelish
Lesson learned: Always keep a safe distance from the Moon Door.
13. Death by bare-handed skull smashing
Victim: Oberyn Martell
Executioner: Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane
Lesson learned: Always wear a helmet around the Mountain.
14. Death by necklace
Victim: Shae
Executioner: Tyrion Lannister
Lesson learned: A Lannister always pays his debts.
15. Death by crossbow
Victim: Tywin Lannister
Executioner: Tyrion Lannister
Lesson learned: Crossing the Hand gets you a bolt to the chest.
Season five
16. Death by Arakh blade
Victim: Mossador
Executioner: Darrio Naharis
Lesson learned: Disobeying Daenerys will cost you your head.
17. Death by greyscale
Victim: Unknown
Executioner: Greyscale disease
Lesson learned: Avoid Greyscale like the plague — literally.
18. Death by Longclaw sword
Victim: White Walker
Executioner: Jon Snow
Lesson learned: Jon Snow is a total badass and might be part White Walker.
19. Death by giant
Victim: White Walker minions
Executioner: Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun
Lesson learned: Giants are awesome.
20. Death by Oathkeeper sword
Victim: Stannis Baratheon
Executioner: Brienne of Tarth
Lesson learned: Nothing will stop Brienne from exacting revenge.
21. Death by poison lipstick
Victim: Myrcella Baratheon
Executioner: Ellaria Sand
Lesson learned: There really is such a thing as the "kiss of death."
22. Death by group stabbing
Victim: Jon Snow
Executioner: The Knight's Watch
Lesson learned: Sometimes doing the right thing comes at a price.
Season six
23. Death by wights
Victim: Hodor
Executioner: Wights
Lesson learned: Hodor's destiny was set in motion many years ago.
24. Death by resurrected zombie
Victim: Faith militant
Executioner: The resurrected Gregor "the Mountain" Clegane
Lesson learned: Sometimes death isn't the end.
25. Death by adult dragonfire
Victim: Great Masters
Executioner: Drogon
Lesson learned: A single word can unleash a maelstrom of fire.
26. Death by dogs
Victim: Ramsay Bolton
Executioner: Sansa Stark
Lesson learned: What goes around comes around.
27. Death by children
Victim: Pycelle
Executioner: Little birds
Lesson learned: Even little birds can have sharp talons.
28. Death by wildfire
Victim: The High Sparrow, Margaery Tyrell and hundreds more
Executioner: Cersei Lannister
Lesson learned: Nobody crosses Cersei Lannister and lives to tell about it.
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