'Metroid Prime 4' Nintendo E3 2017: Teaser trailer says now "in development" for Switch

There's a new Metroid game coming, but all we know is that it's in development. Get excited for Metroid Prime 4, coming sometime.
Here's what you need to know about Metroid Prime 4, which is unfortunately still a pretty big mystery. The Nintendo of America Twitter account posted the video shortly after the official E3 Nintendo Spotlight reveal, and you can see if for yourself below.
Sadly the teaser is short on details and long on mystery, only getting to the actual "reveal" of it being Metroid Prime 4 within the last half of the trailer. Unfortunately, this trailer doesn't contain much besides the reveal itself, not even advertising a date for it. Chances are good we'll be waiting for a while to get more information about our favorite interstellar bounty hunter, but we've already waited 10 years, so what's a little more?
More news from Nintendo at E3 2017
Check out even more news from Nintendo's big E3 2017 presentation, including an exciting look at Super Mario Odyssey, new details about the Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC and confirmation that Rocket League is coming to the Switch. Plus the latest on new Metroid and Kirby games on the way.