'Super Mario Odyssey' E3 2017: 17 weird things Mario can possess with his hat during gameplay

We already knew that Super Mario Odyssey featured Mario with a sentient hat that he could throw like a boomerang — but Nintendo totally buried the lede. At its E3 2017 presentation, it revealed that his hat, named Cappy, can possess things like some kind of demon from hell.
If you, like us, watched the new Super Mario Odyssey trailer with your jaw on the floor, we've broken down every single thing Mario can body snatch, from machines, to animals, to freakin' dinosaurs.
Strap in. It's about to get weird.
1. A T-Rex
2. A frog
3. A goomba
4. A koopa
5. Bullet bill
6. This rocket
7. A ball of magma?
8. This Wall-E lookin' fellow
9. Electricity
10. A cheep cheep
11. This Aztec monster's stone rocket fist
12. A chain chomp
13. A taxi
14. A statue with toes, sunglasses and an ultra-fly earring
15. One of those thin, wobbly traffic cone things
16. A war tank
17. A human man
Super Mario Odyssey will be available October 27. We look forward to possessing everything in sight.
More Nintendo E3 2017 news
Check out even more news from Nintendo's big E3 2017 presentation, including an exciting look at Super Mario Odyssey, new details about the Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC and confirmation that Rocket League is coming to the Switch. Plus the latest on new Metroid and Kirby games on the way.