'Final Fantasy 14' Stormblood Housing Area and Cost: Price to buy a house in the new district

Final Fantasy XIV has a crazy deep in-game housing system where you can buy up plots of land and build your own home. However, just like in real life, it's exorbitantly expensive to own land in Final Fantasy XIV. The new Stormblood expansion adds a new area to build homes in, but how much will it cost?
Final Fantasy 14 Stormblood: How much does it cost to own a home in?
New housing plots are available in Shirogane, one of the new areas in Stormblood. If you were hoping for the price of real estate to go down in the new expansion, we have bad news: Prices are apparently exactly the same in Shirogane as they are in the other areas of the game. That means you should be prepared to spend a few million gil at the very least to own land in Stormblood.
It doesn't matter now anyway, as you supposedly can't buy land in Shirogane until some time after launch, anyway. That should give you plenty of time to save up money.
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