'Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood' Syldra Mount:Collector's edition includes the new mount

Final Fantasy 14: Stormblood is out and players can get in on the fun by purchasing either the standard expansion or the collector's edition. Before you make your decision, you should look over all the differences between the two editions. And the new mount you can get – the sea dragon Syldra — is a big draw towards getting the collector's edition.
Final Fantasy 14 Stormblood Syldra mount: Get the sea dragon mount with the collector's edition
Syldra might be enough of a reason to get the collector's edition. Who wouldn't want this adorably intimidating sea dragon to ride around on?
The collector's edition costs $199.99 for the physical version. It comes with both the digital downloads and collectibles like a figure, a cloth map and a sticker.
If you're just interested in the digital downloads, like Syldra, the bundle will cost $59.99. Keep in mind that if you play the game on a Mac, you'll only be able to purchase the digital bundle.
For more details on purchasing either collector's edition, check out the Final Fantasy 14 store here.
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