'Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2' DLC Pack 4 Characters: What to expect from the fourth game expansion


The fourth downloadable content package for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 borrows heavily from Dragon Ball Super, including a new stage, storyline and characters like Vegito and Fused Zamasu. Interesting additions indeed. This could be the final DLC drop for the game, especially since Dragon Ball FighterZ is on the horizon by way of Arc System Works.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is decidedly wacky, and that’s partially because it bases much of its content on story arcs and characters pulled from the equally bizarre Dragon Ball Super. The new anime series that continues on beyond the Majin Buu storyline essentially negates Dragon Ball GT (the series that came after before). It's full of super crazy things that don’t always make sense if you’re an old school Dragon Ball fan, but it’s still fun to watch.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 DLC Pack 4 characters: What to look for

The Japanese trailer shows off Super Saiyan God SS Vegito as well as Fused Zamasu duking it out — unfortunately there isn’t an English trailer to check out at this time. There’s an extension to the game’s Warrior of Hope storyline, as well as additional parallel quests, a new stage, new costumes and ultimate skills, and a smattering of additional content. There’s also content that’s up for grabs for free via the TP Medal Shop with plenty of new costumes, attacks and raid quest bosses.

In addition, you’ll be able to level up all custom characters now to 99, which you can unlock by visiting Guru’s house and collecting attribute points as you raise your levels.

If you’re ready to add a little more content to your game, you can do so now as Bandai Namco has announced the drop is ready for you to pick up. If you’re still playing Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, you may want to also pick up the upcoming Nintendo Switch version, which is coming soon as well.

The DLC Pack is $9.99 for the standalone pack and $29.99 for the Season Pass, which includes all content that’s been released for the game and anything to come as well. It’s the best value if you want to get everything possible out of the game.

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