I’m obsessed with this ridiculous Instagram feature and you will be too


I love to be where I shouldn’t be, and thanks to Instagram, I can now insert myself into any photo, video or situation. Over the past few days, I’ve been using a feature on Instagram Stories to put my face in every photo I take.

Here’s what it looks like:

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram
Alexis Kleinman/Instagram
Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

It even works in videos.

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram
Alexis Kleinman/Insatgram

It makes my friends laugh and, more importantly, it makes me laugh.

Here’s how you can do it yourself

First, open your Instagram app and swipe to the right to get the Instagram Stories upload page. You’ll enter camera mode. Take a photo or video, or swipe the screen upward to upload one you’ve already taken.

Once you’ve chosen your photo, hit the little smiley sticker on the top right.

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

That will pull up more options. You can then tap the little camera icon shown here:

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

Hitting that will trigger your front-facing camera. Take a funny picture of your face!

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

From there you can move and resize your face and drop it wherever you’d like. If you’re making a video, pin your face to one place by tapping and holding it. Then you can decide where you’d like to pin it.

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

How to pin your face in a video

Want to pin your face in a video? It’s easy! Instagram even lets you pin your face to a specific object or spot in a video. See how my face jumps around with the hot dog as it dances above?

To pin your face in a video, go through all the steps I’ve laid out and then force-touch the image of your face (press it really hard). When you do that, you’ll see this:

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

The little bar at the bottom lets you scroll through the whole video so you can choose when and where to stick your face. Tap Pin when you’re ready. It won’t be perfect, but your face should sort of stay wherever you pin it. See?

Alexis Kleinman/Instagram

I’m certainly not the first person to pull this trick, and I’m hoping that I won’t be the last. Spread the fun and share your photos with me by adding the hashtag #TechYeah on Twitter or emailing me at techyeah@mic.com.

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