Blac Chyna has taken out a temporary restraining order against Rob Kardashian

Blac Chyna continues to move forward with legal action against former fiancé Rob Kardashian, who on Wednesday posted sexually explicit photos of Chyna on Instagram before deleting them.
According to CNN, a judge has granted Chyna a temporary restraining order against Kardashian, requiring him to maintain a 100-yard distance from her at all times and forbidding him from posting anything about her online.
Chyna is being represented by Lisa Bloom, the famous feminist attorney who has notably represented many of Bill O’Reilly and Bill Cosby’s accusers. When Chyna retained her services Thursday, Bloom promised to take Kardashian down — just as she’d done with O’Reilly.
“Chyna ended your relationship months ago and she has the right to live as she chooses, work as she chooses, dress as she chooses, date who she chooses and be intimate with who she chooses,” Bloom said in a Thursday press release from the firm. “Chyna and I both believe that this is an important women’s rights issue, as too many women and girls have been slut-shamed by exes.”
“It stops now,” Bloom continued. “Your attempts to shame and control her are hereby rejected. Her body, her choice. Her life, her choice. Back off.”
At a press conference outside a Los Angeles courthouse on Monday, Bloom again reminded reporters that circulating revenge porn, of which Kardashian stands accused, is a crime according to California law.
The law, which was added to the state’s list of “computer crimes” in 2013, states that distributing sexual images without the consent of the person in them is considered “revenge porn,” a crime punishable by a probation, up to six months in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.
Kardashian’s attorney, Robert Shapiro, appeared on his behalf, telling the court his client “apologized and offered our regrets as to what happened the last couple days.” He continued, “Now we move forward to do one thing and one thing only, whatever is in the best interest of the child.”
But while Chyna also said she’ll continue to focus on co-parenting their child, Dream, she told Good Morning America on Monday that she’s not about to let Kardashian off the hook for his transgressions.
“The moral of the story is he doesn’t respect me,” Chyna said. “If you can’t respect me, you have to respect the law.”