New York State Election Results LIVE: Complete Analysis and News
1:22 AM: Nan Hayworth loses to Sean Patrick Maloney.
12:43 PM: No real surprise victories for Romney tonight --- everything most everything seemed to go the President's way that was conceivably possible.
Unfortunately, a lot of upstate Dems lost tonight. Hochul lost and Schreibman lost. But Owens and Hayworth (R) seem to be tied with their challengers. We'll see how that turns out.
Also, FYI, I'd have to do no shots of Rebel Yell tonight for poorly-called states.
12:13 PM: Well, this is a huge win for the President, but also in Senate races across the country. Just just think about the issues that the President overcame in this campaign to be re-elected.
And he still came out on top.
I think we now know that the opposition party has a significant stake in the overall welfare of the country.
10:35 PM: It looks like we're not going to have a dramatic 11 PM call for the President like last time around. But the paths for Romney to win are really, really narrowing. He'd have to win basically everywhere he can in order to win this thing. Obama has to win one of the big three (Ohio/Virginia/Florida). And he's leading in all of them.
Obama could also get to 270 through Colorado, Iowa and Nevada. Which is also leaning towards the President. I'd like to say this is essentially over but I'm enjoying this dramatic excitement.
9:47 PM: FYI now that Texas just elected Ted Cruz, we have a guy going to the Senate who believes there's a U.N. conspiracy to take everyone out of the cities and put us in Hobbit homes.
9:39 PM: Obama wins Wisconsin and New Hampshire, as expected. I haven't done any shots of Rebel Yell yet.
More fun: Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana Senate races go to the Democrats. This is a big night for Senate Democrats, who until this year weren't expected to even hold the Senate.
9:21 PM: Kirsten Gillibrand wins re-election to a full term in New York State. This will probably be one of the biggest margins of victory all night. Remember when Gillibrand was considered a prime target for Republicans? Ha-ha. The New York GOP will have to moderate, or sever itself from the national party to be competitive here. (Take a clue from the state Democratic parties of a lot of these red states. They don't really govern as leftists...)
9:15 PM: Obama now has Michigan and Pennsylvania. It's hard to imagine him losing Ohio at this point.
9:06 PM: Elizabeth Warren wins MA, as per NBC News. Not our first Native American Senator though. #Sarcasm
8:49 PM: Ugh, they're going to stop reporting results for Virginia. I mean, it's good because they're dealing with that extra turnout, but still, ugh.
8:37 PM: Obama is winning in Florida by a decent margin, and it's without Miami-Dade and Broward. However, reports are that both campaigns internally expect Romney to win by about 100,000 votes.
So we have no idea what's going on.
8:03 PM: Fun fact, New Jersey is too early to call, and we might not know a final call about New Jersey until Friday because of extended voting hours.
Pennsylvania is "too early to call" but Obama has a lead. That means Obama's going to win Pennsylvania but they want to keep it exciting.
7:56 PM: Pennsylvania is going to be a good indicator of where Ohio's going.
7:44 PM: Since the polling places are so crowded in Virginia, they're not going to be reporting anything until 8 PM.
7:39 PM: As of now, the Libertarian candidate in Indiana has more votes than the difference between Mourdock and Donnelly. Yay third parties! (When they help Democrats.)
7:33 PM: West Virginia goes to Romney, but Democrat Joe Manchin holds his Senate seat, formerly held by the late Robert Byrd. Ohio is too close to call, and so is North Carolina.
Interesting facet of the Indiana senate race: Joe Donnelly leads "Pregnancy from rape is God's will" Richard Mourdock by a slight margin, without any of the big Democratic counties being in yet.
7:21 PM: Here's a map of poll closings.
7:20 PM: Sorry, North Carolina is closing at 7:30, not 7. But my logic still applies.
7:07 PM: Can't wrap my head around the fact that Indiana is swinging for Romney, but Ohio for Obama. That's not a reaction to the results, it's a feeling I've had for a while.
7:00 PM: We just had a bunch of states close, most importantly Indiana, Virginia and North Carolina.
Though Indiana will go Mitt Romney, I've always thought longer it takes them to call it for him, the better it is for President Obama. And they just called it for Mitt Romney. Not good, but not really that bad.
Virginia and North Carolina are too close to call, which is expected. But the fact that North Carolina is still close means that, even if it ends up going for Mitt at the end, it means that Obama will have the advantage in Virginia.
In other words, North Carolina is the bellwether for Virginia, which is the bellwether for the election.
South Carolina and Georgia are too early to call, but really, they'll go Republican.
6:39 PM: Don't expect a result for NY-21 tonight --- a judge just ordered that all the ballots in that district be impounded.
6:37 PM: If MSNBC is right in reporting that the Romney campaign hasn't written a concession speech, that is awesome --- I can't wait to see him wing it.
5:15 PM: No matter what happens tonight, I'm pretty sure this is how we're all gonna feel at the end.
Just have this on in the background as the night goes on. You'll love democracy even more.
4:58 PM: Check out my final electoral projections, complete with a hand-drawn map and a promise to drink for each state that I miss.
1:11 PM: For a really cool graphic on New York's racial breakdown by neighborhood, check out this site for a fascinating interactive map.
12:44 PM: President Obama is quite obviously going to win the state of New York, but Democrats in upstate New York have a good shot at winning a number of Congressional races.
--- NY-19 (Hudson Valley): Freshman Congressman Chris Gibson is running against Julian Schreibman for his first bid at re-election since 2010's Republican landslide. Gibson is a Gulf War and Iraq War veteran who is a member of the Tea Party but also has somewhat of a moderate streak as far as Tea Partiers go -- he voted against the Paul Ryan "deficit-cutting" budget in 2012 because it added $200B to defense spending.
The new district is slightly more Democratic than the previous one, which means Schreibman has a shot to take the seat once held by now-Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. Schreibman was only a five points down in the latest Siena poll. Given the volatility of House polling, that's not a bad place to be.
--- NY-21 (Adirondack Area): This is that district that surprised many by going Democratic in a special election after President Obama tapped then-Congressman John M. McHugh to be Secretary of the Army. Conservative Doug Hoffman split the Republican vote back in 2009 and then in 2010, allowing Democrats to take this area for the first time since the Civil War.
But now, Owens is definitely the favorite, in part because he's moderated his position and is mostly running ads about cutting down on government waste.
--- NY-27 (Rural Western New York): This is a true tossup, and a surprise win for Democrats in 2011 after Eric Massa's tickling scandal forced him out of office. Kathy Hochul is running for re-election against Erie County Executive Chris Collins. She originally won the seat due to blowback from her then-opponent's support of Paul Ryan plan, so it will be interesting to see if things pan out the same way this year now that Paul Ryan is on the national ballot.
--- NY-18 (Poughkeepsie Area): This district was my Alma Mater (Vassar College), and it was a disappointment to see John Hall (formerly of 70's rock band Orleans' fame) get defeated by current incumbent Nan Hayworth. Sean Patrick Maloney, former Clinton, Spitzer and Paterson advisor is now running to take the seat. Hayworth will probably hold onto her seat, but Maloney has been running a strong campaign and doesn't trail by much.
Maloney is also openly gay, which adds an interesting aspect to this race, since there are so few out-of-the-closet members of Congress.
Here is a link to New York's new Congressional districts, as provided by the New York Times.
Remember, New Yorkers who are affected by the Hurricane, you can vote by affidavit from any polling place. Get out there and vote, because there are still local races that need your support!
Also, it's fun.