Trump calls Hillary Clinton the “biggest loser” in an early morning tweet: “Get on with your life”

President Donald Trump attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter Saturday morning, calling his former Democratic rival a “loser” and telling her to stop discussing politics.
“Crooked Hillary Clinton is the worst (and biggest) loser of all time,” Trump tweeted. “She just can’t stop, which is so good for the Republican Party. Hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years!”
The tweet came on the heels of critical comments by the former first lady and secretary of state in which she blasted Trump for his lack of “accountability” for his sexual misconduct allegations and said there is “absolutely no” aspect of his presidency she admires.
“I didn’t think he’d be as bad as he turned out to be,” Clinton said in a radio interview Friday.
On Saturday morning, Fox News apparently ran a segment on Clinton’s view of the 2016 election. Trump, as he often does, seemed to comment on what he saw on the network shortly thereafter.
Trump has called for the Department of Justice to investigate Clinton over her “dishonesty.”
She is one of his favorite Twitter targets and he is known to lash out at her ahead of bombshell reports in the Russia investigation.
In his Saturday morning tweetstorm, he also accepted plaudits from television personalities Piers Morgan and Greta Van Susteren for temporarily reversing his decision on trophy hunting elephants to “review all conservation facts.”