Who Won the Missouri Senate Race? Todd Akin Loses to Claire McCaskill, on Great Night for Democrats
Claire McCaskill overcame low approval ratings to beat Todd Akin and retain her Senate seat on election night, thanks in large part to Akin's extreme positions.
Governor Romney won Missouri, as expected, but lost to President Obama. The Romney campaign has yet to concede (as of 12:45 a.m.).
I'm very, very happy. You all might have noticed that reproductive rights is one of the issues most important to me. I think that President Obama is the better candidate on that issue, and I am so very pleased that he was reelected. I don't have to worry as much about new Supreme Court justices. I don't have to worry about Title X defunding bills being signed by the President. I don't have to feel like my body is being controlled by politicians. I am very pleased.
I am so awed by all the campaign workers on both sides and on all campaigns. They have worked tirelessly for months for their candidates, and win or lose, they have given it their all. Thank you all for your dedication, no matter your party.
OK, guys. I've gotta figure out how we're going to drink all this champagne. It's been a good night.
For a full recap of the results and live analysis of election night, see here.