Let’s all take a giant chill pill about Kim Kardashian West’s “Photoshop fail” on Instagram

It’s a Tuesday afternoon in 2018, and everyone on the internet is having a rage stroke about an Instagram post from Kim Kardashian West post. Shared over the weekend, the image shows Kardashian West in a parking lot. At first glance, it looks like all the other paparazzi-esque photos Kardashian West’s been posting.

But look at the smushed car on the right. Look at the curb at that weird angle. Obviously something is off.

Deemed a “Photoshop fail,” people with high blood pressure and an internet connection leapt into a rage and started inundating the post’s comment section, criticizing her for daring to post an edited image.

Kardashian West ultimately turned off notifications for the post, but people still chattered on.

An essay published on Babe bore the title “Kim trying to lie her way out of a major Photoshop fail is worse than the actual Photoshop fail. ABC News correspondent Sunny Hostin, appearing as a guest on The View, said she was “troubled” by the post. “Because little girls and women, they all look at the Kardashians as sort of these symbols of beauty, and with the tiny, tiny waist and the big behinds,” she said.

First of all, let’s take a deep breath. Take another if you feel like it.

Let’s get a few things straight: Kardashian West is no Instagram rookie, and probably not a photo-editing rookie either. If she wanted to edit her photos in any way, that’s her right. But also, y’all, this is not Kardashian West’s work. Please have some respect. This woman has built an empire.

Kardashian West explained exactly what happened in a blog post Tuesday expertly titled “What Photoshop fail?!

“So ridiculous!” she wrote. “I reposted a picture on Instagram that a fan had already posted — I only added a filter to it. It looks like the fan mirrored the photo, which is the reason the car looks like that.”

She then posted the fan’s photo, which she had cropped for her Instagram.

Courtesy of kimkardashianwest.com

Indeed, it’s just a mirrored image, with no visible editing done to her body.

“This is actually really funny to me!” Kardashian West concluded. “Who would even photoshop a car to look like that?!”

That’s a really great question.

Our conclusion? The internet needs a nap.
