Mic Daily: Trump to miss immigration deadline, scientists move forward with HIV vaccine and more

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About half of undocumented immigrant kids under 5 will be reunited with parents by deadline
Two weeks have passed since President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his administration’s policy of separating undocumented immigrant children and parents, but chaos still reigns at the border and across the country as family reunification has hit roadblocks.
Meet Ayanna Pressley, the congressional candidate poised to become the next Ocasio-Cortez
Ayanna Pressley is everything the Democratic Party is looking for in a 2018 candidate. She’s an experienced progressive politician, the first woman of color ever elected to the Boston City Council and a candidate with a proven record of attracting large numbers of voters.
The only problem? Her district already has a Democratic congressman seeking re-election.
Republican Jim Jordan faces ethics probe amid Ohio State’s sexual abuse scandal. Can he survive?
At a pivotal moment in his career, Rep. Jim Jordan has become embroiled in Ohio State University’s sexual abuse scandal, accused of having knowledge about the alleged sexual abuse of wrestling team members while he was the assistant coach of the school’s team.
Starbucks will ban plastic straws by 2020. But is its new lid really any better for the environment?
Starbucks announced on Monday plans to eliminate plastic straws globally by 2020. Customers will soon be drinking their Frappuccinos through alternatives to the coffee giant’s iconic green vessel. Certain beverages will come equipped with a strawless lid, a kind of elevated sippy cup, and other drinks will come with paper or compostable plastic straws.
But the plastic lid is more of a Band-Aid than it is a solution. Here’s why.
Scientists just hit a new milestone for testing their HIV vaccine
A new study published in the Lancet reveals that scientists have tested a promising HIV vaccine on humans and rhesus monkeys, and they plan to administer it to a group of 2,600 women at risk for HIV in southern Africa next.