Twitter CEO puts Alex Jones in a timeout, “removing his ability to tweet for a time period”

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has put InfoWars host Alex Jones in a timeout so he can think about what he’s done. In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt, Dorsey said the company pressed pause on Jones’ ability to tweet.
“I believe we put him in a timeout, removing his ability to tweet for a time period,” Dorsey said. “Any suspension, whether it be a permanent one or a temporary one, makes someone think about their actions and their behaviors.”
Many tech platforms have blocked Jones from their sites due to the host spreading misinformation and encouraging his viewers to harass others. For example, Jones has peddled the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook school shooting didn’t actually happen. Parents of a child killed in the shooting were harassed online and forced to move several times as a result, according to the Guardian.
Unlike YouTube, Spotify, Facebook and certain Apple platforms, Twitter has yet to remove Jones from its site. In an Aug. 8 interview with Sean Hannity, Dorsey justified Twitter’s decision to allow Jones to live on the platform.
“The reason is simple: He hasn’t violated our rules,” Dorsey tweeted.
According to Dorsey, this is consistent with how Twitter enforces its policies. The Twitter CEO’s interview with Holt will air in full on NBC Nightly News on Wednesday.