Stories That Pay Off: What to do when everyone wants your professional advice — for free

Doing a favor for a friend may seem harmless, especially if you’re an expert on the subject. But when you’re helping them out on your own time — and for free — it can become a problem. We spoke to experts about the right ways to set boundaries with loved ones when it comes to your job and why “I’ll think about it” is sometimes the best response.
Also this week, Mic explored how ride-hail apps like Uber and Lyft are negatively impacting New York City’s taxi drivers, examined the salaries of those in the financial industry and took a look at why one millennial is paralyzed by their checking account.
Love and Money: How to get out of doing “favors” for friends and family
Your friends and family value your professional opinion, they just don’t want to pay you for it — here’s how to change that for both parties.
New York City cab drivers face depression and debt amid increased competition from Uber and Lyft
Six New York City taxicab drivers have died by suicide in recent months, sparking protests and rallies aimed at protecting drivers’ wages.
Wall Street salaries are the highest they’ve been since the financial crisis
The average salary for employees on Wall Street was $422,500 last year — the highest average since 2008.
Money Confession: I have $30,000 sitting in my checking account, but I’m too scared to touch it
Having a large amount of money in your bank account isn’t necessarily a dream scenario — especially if you don’t know what to do with it.