StickNFind: Awesome Bluetooth Sticker Keeps Track of All Your Stuff


Have you ever wished that you could call your keys when you lose them like you can with your phone? How about your wallet? I have. All the time. And the tech gods have finally heard my prayers. 

A brilliant new invention called StickNFind will change the way forgetful people live their lives. StickNFinds are little stickers, a bit bigger than a quarter, which you can attach to whatever you have a tendency to misplace and then track with the StickNFind smart phone app. The batteries last about a year.

I would have already covered every notebook, lipgloss, favorite sweater, and pair of sunglasses in my life in StickNFinds if they were already on the market. But the company that makes them needs to raise $70,000 in order to market them “at an efficient price point” and “begin shipping by March.”

So far they’ve raised over $40,000 on Indiegogo, with 42 days left on the campaign.