Star Trek Into Darkness Spoilers: New Photos Reveal Villain's Identity

Culture has released a new still picture from the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness that features Captain Kirk and Spock looking at Benedict Cumberbatch as ... John Harrison. 

The image puts an end to the speculation about which villain Benedict Cumberbatch, that as announced as the unnamed Start Trek Into Darkness villain, would play. According to FirstShowing, the guesses included Khan and Gary Mitchell. Speculation ran rampant ever since Cumberbatch was revealed in the teaser of the film's full trailer that will debut on December 17. 

But now, the just released image has finally revealed the identity of the Star Trek Into Darkness' villain. However, as pointed out by FirstShowing, "there is no canon character with the name of John Harrison [...] so many Trek experts and fans think this is simply a red herring."

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