Domino’s Founder Sues Government Over Obamacare Birth Control Provision


The founder of Domino’s Pizza is suing the federal government over the provision of Obamacare requiring employers to provide birth control coverage , saying that birth control is not healthcare, but a "gravely immoral" practice.

What Tom Monaghan, a Roman Catholic, fails to understand is that just because his religion doesn’t approve of something doesn’t mean it’s bad for everyone else.Even if he doesn’t like the idea of people having sex for recreation and not procreation, I can’t see how it’s any of his business.

If Monaghan thought smoking was immoral, would he be able to sue the government to stop providing health care for lung cancer? What about alcohol abuse? That’s not particularly Godly — does he have a problem with health insurance coverage paying for treatment of liver disease?

I can, with some mental stretching, understand an employer who believes that abortion is murder refusing to cover it. They’d feel they were complicit in murder. But is being complicit in the spilling of seed, or however the bible phrases it, really worth suing over?

I don’t understand how people can be so strongly against abortion and also so strongly against birth control. People are going to have sex. No matter what. It’s gonna happen. And in fact, most people don’t even feel guilty about it!

What’s missing from these prudish objections to birth control is an understanding of the fact that not everyone thinks sex is wrong and gross. Sex is a part of life, and since we live in the modern world with modern medicine, we’re lucky enough to be able to have sex without having to get pregnant every time. For whatever reason,Monaghan just hates the idea of other people having sex for fun, and thinks it’s up to him to tell his employees that they can’t have sex until they’re ready to be parents.

Not to mention the fact that 48% of people on the pill use it for reasons other than contraception — such as to clear up skin problems or prevent painful ovarian cysts. To go back to my previous analogy: If Monaghan felt as strongly about alcoholism as he does about sex and refused to cover liver disease because of these strong feelings, he’d also be denying coverage to people who don’t drink and just happen to have bad livers.