Jon Stewart On GOP Hate For Sandy Aid: If You Can't Vote For This, Then We're F*cked


Jon Stewart used his first show of 2013 to lambast House Republicans for opposition to the Hurricane Sandy relief bill passed in the Senate. Stewart called them “assholes,” and their actions a “disgrace,” in addition to ridiculing the idea that the one-page bill was laden with pork-barrel spending.

In a segment titled “C#@K Block You On The Hurricane,” Stewart compared the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy to the ongoing debacle of congressional Republicans. Noting that House’s decision not to vote on the package came at the end of exhausting fiscal cliff discussions, he lamented that while the GOP likely wanted to return home and see their families, “You know who else wanted to get back to their homes — the people whose homes got swept away by Hurricane Sandy!”

He then highlighted criticisms from within the Republican Party, including New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s characterization of the House GOP as the “one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims” and New York Rep. Peter King’s claim that anyone from the NY/NJ area who “contributes one penny to congressional Republicans is out of their minds,” since “what they did last time was put a knife in the back” of hurricane victims.

Stewart observed that when the bill was finally approved, the GOP had already shoved a vote on approximately $51 of the original $60 billion intended for relief and reconstruction to the end of the previous week, because “what’s another week when you’ve been fucked for months?"

He further attacked Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) for his opposition to the bill, pointing out that “It’s one fucking page!” and mocking the idea the bill was laden with unnecessary spending, saying “There’s as much pork here as in the minifridge at the break room at PETA.” He said their reasoning was “bullshit.” If the GOP wanted to change how disaster relief was handled, Stewart opined, “Vote on it when people can’t build sand castles in their living room.”

The segment ended with Stewart drawing a clear line for Republicans: “If you guys can’t vote for this, then we’re fucked for the next few years.”

Clip courtesy of Comedy Central:

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart