BB 10 Release: BlackBerry 10 is the Last Nail in RIM's Coffin
RIM has rebranded itself as "BlackBerry," following the company's unveiling of its latest attempt to regain the mobile phone market share supremacy it once held when Apple and Google weren't the new kids on the block.
The BlackBerry 10 operating system, the Z10 touch screen phone and Q10, "the first BlackBerry smartphone with a Qwerty keyboard," were launched at the "BlackBerry 10 Experience" event live streamed from New York City.
Thorsten Heins, CEO of BlackBerry (formerly Research in Motion, RIM) highlighted the system's "hub" which main ability is to integrate information "in real time" from different apps — including social media essentials such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn — "without having to constantly press the 'home' button" (an apparent jab at Apple's iPhone and Google's Android).
BB's new product seeks to appeal to both its core corporate business clients as well as the social media-oriented users who have flocked to iPhone, Android and Samsung during the last years.
Yet, BlackBerry's much anticipated announcement failed to ignite the much anticipated (and needed) passion among iPhone and Android evangelists who — given how hyped the announcement was — were expressing anxiety on Twitter about having to switch from their recently upgraded Apple devices into BB (if its new BB 10 turned out to be actually awesome).
But this is something that no longer should worry them. Sure, with BlackBerry 10 you now have the ability to share your device's screen with your friend or business partner on the other side of the world (and vice versa) — very much the same way PC computers do.
But this is a feature that will probably just appeal to BlackBerry corporate clients (as they now have the chance to share spread sheets and other business documents screen to screen). As for the younger demographic BlackBerry is hoping to convert with its new product, those hooked 24/7 to their mobile social media networks (mostly urban youth, to whom they tried to appeal by naming R&B singer Alicia Keys BlackBerry's Global Creative Director), it is safe to assumed that at least for now they'll remain faithful to the touch keyboard that RIM (sorry, BlackBerry) is trying so hard to cling to.