Glenn Beck the Blaze: How is Life After Fox News?
Contrary to what it may seem, Glenn Beck is alive and well. As active as ever, he has taken on a new venue. Beck had famously hosted his own show on Fox News, and in April 2011, he left the network.
Fox and Beck had a tumultuous relationship to say the least, and when Beck quit the network, it was not a surprise. Now Beck is able to do exactly what he wants without any network input, which is exactly the way he likes it. The viewers would not want it any other way.
Beck, though not a staple in a major news network anymore, has found his true voice in the form of The Blaze radio program and The Blaze TV, a television station available on Dish network. At first he only did a streaming program, but by taking The Blaze to television, he is able to capture a wider audience. Beck has been a lightening rod of controversy over the years, but he tells it like it is, which has a tendency to make people uncomfortable. But sometimes being uncomfortable shakes people out of complacency.
Most liberals paid attention to Beck when he was on Fox and in CNN. Now that he has his own network he attracts less attention from the mainstream media. But that does not mean he has lightened up his criticism of President Obama and the general climate in America. Too, the new venture has assured that Beck reaches "more people across more platforms than ever before." The move appears to be working.
What is Beck's objective in taking on something like The Blaze? For Beck, he now has the freedom to do and say whatever he feels without interference from a network. He can be brash and brutal, and not face significant backlash. Though his audience is smaller than it was on Fox, he has more leverage. On the issue of gun control, he said, "Make no mistake, a fight is coming." Beck would be more than correct on this issue. We have yet to begin to see the fight that will come with the push for gun control and it will be an all out war.
Love him or hate him, Beck is every bit as fiery as conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. He does not mince words and he is unafraid to say what many conservatives would dare not speak in public. Beck's new venue gives him the freedom to write columns himself, bring in guest columnists, and also control what he puts out to his viewing public.
The Blaze did not shy away from commenting about Saturday Night Live and the skit "DeJesus Uncrossed" and its blatant mocking of Christianity. No, Beck has not gone away. He has simply branded himself and is using his clout to create a network for people who enjoy his commentary and unique take on current events. I for one hope he stays around and gives both liberals and conservatives something to talk about.